Tuesday, August 05, 2014


This week has been a weird kind of busy/not busy. I feel like I'm behind on everything, and yet when someone asks what I've been up to, I stare at them dumbly and I shrug my shoulders and I shake my head and I wiggle my toes and I say, "I don't know...I'm tired?" I guess I ask it more than say it because I feel like I need permission for that to be an acceptable answer. And even though it doesn't really answer the question at all, it kind of does. I've been up to being tired?

Other stuff too though. We went to the beach, and we're planning a trip to Seattle to watch my Grandpa get married, and I'm working on a thing for a charity event next Sunday. You know. Stuff. Just, I don't think you should expect me to be eloquent about it on such short notice. I've been awake since May.

Van is six months old now, and has decided that sleep is horrifying and terrible and ridiculous and un-fun. Everyone has advice about it and while they give it to me I stand there drooling and counting their chin hairs and not hearing a word they're saying. Not out of spite, just out of a necessity to preserve brain activity. Then I smile and say, "Ah, well, this too shall pass." It seems like a safe thing to say because everyone usually just smiles back and says, "Oh yeah, faster than you think!"

Which I have mixed feelings about, actually, because despite the fact that I only ever get to sleep an hour or two at a time, I really really like this stage. It's my favorite so far. Like, as I was writing this, he rolled across the room and is now trying to crawl up into my lap while jabbering away like a cantankerous old man. Will he still do this when he's seventeen? NO. No he will not. I don't think.

But he will sleep, I guess.


Jen Wilson said...

Wow. Six months? Really? Already?! Impossible. You three are adorable. And I loved this stage as well, the first year is so lovely, and the three-month to six-month stage is just fantastic.

Preston didn't seep more than two hours at a time till he was ... one maybe? He didn't sleep through the night till he was at least two. Whatever Sullivan's sleep schedule is, it does get better. Eventually. :)

Hasmig Davidson said...

My sons name is Van! 11 months already!

Anonymous said...

I love this! And I feel the same. Clare wakes up a minimum of 3x a night. We bed share so it's a bit easier than going to a crib in the other room. And I have sooo many friends with babies her age that are hyper focused on getting them to sleep through the night. But I don't want her to grow up so fast! Even though I'm exhausted. Lol

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Eventhough you might "count the chin hairs" on my post :) for our youngest (we have a 4 year old and 19 month old), what worked for sleep at that age was: 1) Meat was bothering her...she just couldn't digest it and was up all night trying to, so I stopped until around 8-9 months and just fed her baby cereal mixed with mushed pears, applesauce, bananas, etc. 2) During teething times...babies ibuprofen before bed, 3) Lots of food during the day and a snack before bed...a well-fed baby is a sleepy baby :) Take care, Kim

Suzy Krause said...

I'm thankful it's normal, at least. I have so many friends whose kids sleep through the night. I'm like, "Ack! Am I doing it wrong?" But if that's just the way it is sometimes, I'm ok with that. :)

Suzy Krause said...

Cool!! The Sullivan he's named after passed away, so I don't even know anyone else with that name. I love it. :)

Suzy Krause said...

I totally get you. Exhausted, but okay with it. Haha. It's ALREADY going so crazy fast! SLOW DOWN BABY.

Suzy Krause said...

Interesting about the meat thing! I haven't tried him on meat yet, so that's not his deal, but it's a good thing to keep in mind for later!

Teething. Yikes...I have a sneaking suspicion we're coming up on that. Siiiiiiiiigh.

Thanks for the tips! I will never refuse good help. :)

Allie Garcia said...

My babe doesn't sleep through the night either. Never has. 6 months has been harderish because she doesn't really seem to want to sleep during the day either. Babies!

Suzy Krause said...

BABIES. Is right. The nap thing puzzles me. I have a friend whose six month old has three hour naps during the day. I'm like, HOW? My kid doesn't even sleep three hours in a row at NIGHT?